We know that great email marketing is one of the most effective digital channels of growing your business online and increasing engagement. As we have said in numerous previous updates, the starting point for great email marketing is a great data list of contacts and this data list is grown using effective email sign up forms.
So lets start at the beginning with why you need an email sign up form. The simple reason is to grow your list of permission based sign ups, that is users who have actually opted in to receive content from you.
- what data do you want for your email marketing?
The great thing about most email marketing platforms is that you can segment the data you get from sign ups and mailDPQ is no exception. So it might be you add your data into industry segments, or geographic location or maybe even business sector from what they have download. Either way if you don’t confirm what data you want to gain and use beforehand then don’t complain if you get just a whole long list of email address that you have no idea what they relate to. - do you confirm when someone has joined your list?
We have a really neat function in mailDPQ that allows an auto confirm to be sent straight back to the signup. The great thing about this is that it allows you firstly to validate the email address the user input, so if its fake the user wont be added to your list. Also it allows a thank you and positive message about your business to be sent to them. - KISS
We always believe great email marketing is really simple, so simple anyone can understand what data you trying to get and what you do with. It may be that one sector of your business gets no sign ups – it happens we’ve seen it – this could be from a number of factors but the data doesn’t lie. So if you get feedback like this then you will know right away whats popular and whats not because you kept it simple right from the start of the process. And please don’t make the sign up form too long or cluttered, people get bored and your drop off rate will rise as a result. - think about your call to action?
A great call to action has to be the starting point for any sign ups, so make it good, give the user a reason to join your list, use personal words ‘my’ instead of ‘you’ and please right specific content for where the sign up form will be. - do you offer something for free, a download maybe?
We have a number of customers that numerous PDF downloads that can be gained for free from the website simple by filling in a simple form, you can for example download our brochure full of helpful tips and advice form the website here. The physiology goes that if you give something away for free then a user is more likely to give you their data, so why not exploit this and create a valuable brochure and something the user can get benefit from?
If you would like to know more and would like our free brochure and for a free no obligation trial contact us through the website here. And please read our other relevant posts that will help your business email marketing listed below…
[…] 1. Good data – this is critical to any business email marketing, if the data isn’t right then how can you expect it to convert – this other post on our website covers how to collect good data and this post of how you can improve the email signup forms on your website. […]